When it comes to dazzling audiences, we think event organizers and keynote speakers make a pretty great team. But for this crucial partnership to work, both parties need a deep understanding of one another. As an event organizer, knowing exactly what makes keynote speakers tick means you can navigate the booking process like a true pro and dramatically increase your chances of having your dream speaker accept your offer.

In producing our Speaking Industry Benchmark Report, we ask professional speakers, event hosts, and entertainers dozens of questions about the booking process. What we learned gives us priceless visibility into how they think and operate. Here are five things you should know about what matters most to keynote speakers when booking events.

1. Communication is key

We asked keynote speakers about their biggest pain point when working with event organizers. The good news is that the top answer for most speakers was that they don’t encounter any issues at all. But beyond that, we saw a clear trend. The number one issue cited centered around communication. Almost 16% of the speakers we surveyed said that their top complaint was that event organizers don’t communicate clearly or in a timely manner.

If you want the booking process to go smoothly, communicate clearly and in a timely manner. As an event organizer, no one has to tell you about the challenges of managing a busy schedule, and in-demand speakers (and their teams) are right there with you. If you’re looking to really set yourself apart and avoid the most common pitfall, focus on clear and timely communication.

2. Keep it relevant to their expertise

A successful event hinges on the speaker’s ability to deliver content that resonates with the audience. More than 70% of speakers who responded to our survey said that a top factor they consider for every booking is whether it is relevant to their area of expertise. This means that when you approach a speaker, you should clearly outline how your event aligns with their specialized knowledge and experience.

Take the time to research and understand the speaker’s background. Tailor your pitch to highlight how their expertise will benefit your audience and how the event will provide them with an opportunity to shine. This thoughtful approach not only shows respect for the speaker’s time and talents but also significantly increases the likelihood of securing a positive response.

3. Know and communicate your budget ahead of time

The financial aspect of booking a keynote speaker cannot be overlooked. More than 60% of speakers who responded to our survey said that a top factor they consider for every booking is whether the event will pay their standard speaking fee. Being upfront about your budget and ensuring it aligns with the speaker’s expectations is crucial.

When you reach out to potential speakers, provide a clear and realistic offer that respects their fee structure. If there are any budget constraints, be honest about them and explore alternative forms of compensation, such as travel accommodations, promotional opportunities, or additional perks. Transparency and fairness in financial negotiations can go a long way in building a positive and professional relationship.

4. Highlight your shared values and mission

The values and mission of your event can be a significant deciding factor for speakers. More than 40% of speakers who responded to our survey said that a top factor they consider for every booking is whether the event or organization hosting it aligns with their values or is raising awareness about something they’re passionate about.

To attract speakers who resonate with your event’s core message, clearly articulate your event’s mission, goals, and the impact you aim to achieve. Highlight any initiatives or causes your event supports that align with the speaker’s passions. Demonstrating a shared commitment to meaningful causes can create a strong connection and motivate speakers to be part of your event.

5. Booking your speaker as early as possible is strongly encouraged

Planning and preparation are key to a successful speaking engagement. According to our survey, 71.16% of speakers prefer to have more than two months of notice about bookings in advance of the event date. Just 28.84% said that they prefer to operate with two months or less notice about bookings.

Respect the speaker’s schedule by reaching out well in advance of your event. Providing ample notice allows them to prepare thoroughly, ensuring they can deliver their best performance. It also demonstrates your professionalism and respect for their time, making it more likely that they will be able to accommodate your request.

Making an impact together

Ultimately, keynote speakers want to make an impact on an audience for good. Event organizers and speakers should strive to be a great duo and to help each other accomplish their shared goals. By understanding what speakers look for in bookings, you can create a more collaborative and successful event experience. As one of our participants put it:

“As a professional speaker, I have the opportunity to influence and inspire individuals and organizations. I find it incredibly rewarding to see how my insights can empower others to make positive changes in their lives or businesses.”

By keeping these key points in mind and fostering a spirit of collaboration, event organizers and keynote speakers can work together to create memorable and impactful events.