Fred Guttenberg began his public advocacy following the devastating loss of his daughter Jaime, who was tragically killed in the Parkland school shooting on February 14, 2018. The day after her death, Guttenberg was asked to speak at a vigil in Parkland, a moment that marked the beginning of his journey as a national voice on safety and gun control laws. His moving speech resonated across the country, propelling him into the public eye.
Only a few months before his daughter's murder, in October 2017, Guttenberg's brother Michael, a first responder during the 9/11 attacks, passed away from cancer related to his heroic efforts at Ground Zero. Michael and his team of doctors were trapped in the World Trade Center as it collapsed but survived in a room that miraculously remained intact. He and his team stayed at the site for 16 days, aiding in the rescue and recovery efforts.
Before these personal tragedies, Fred Guttenberg had a successful career in sales and management at Johnson and Johnson, and later as an entrepreneur. He owned and operated 19 Dunkin Donuts franchises, which he sold in November 2016. This business experience underpins his organizational and leadership skills, which he now applies to his advocacy work.
Guttenberg, along with his wife Jennifer, established "Orange Ribbons for Jaime," a nonprofit organization dedicated to his daughter’s memory. Through this platform, and the related advocacy group "Orange Ribbons For Gun Safety," he actively challenges elected officials to enhance safety and enact more stringent gun control measures. As a regular guest on various news programs and media outlets, Guttenberg uses his platform to promote his causes. He often speaks on topics such as perspective, perseverance, and resilience, drawing deeply from his personal experiences with profound loss. Through his public speaking, Guttenberg aims to inspire change and resilience in the face of adversity.
All American Speakers Bureau is a full-service talent booking agency providing information on booking Fred Guttenberg for speaking engagements, personal appearances and corporate events. Contact an All American Speakers Bureau booking agent for more information on Fred Guttenberg speaking fees, availability, speech topics and cost to hire for your next live or virtual event.
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