The Thinkers50 Ranking 2009
- CK Prahalad - C. K. Prahalad is a globally known figure and has consulted with the top management of many of the world's foremost companies
- Malcolm Gladwell - Bestselling Author, "What the Dog Saw," "Outliers," "Blink," and "The Tipping Point"
- Paul Krugman - Author and Professor; Winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics; NY Times OpEd columnist
- Steve Jobs - CEO Apple
- W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne - Kim and Mauborgne won the Thinkers50 Strategy Award in 2011.
- Muhammad Yunus - Nobel Laureate
- Bill Gates - Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Chairman and Founder of Microsoft
- Richard Branson - Founder of Virgin Group
- Philip Kotler - International Marketing Professor, Kellogg School of Management
- Gary Hamel - Authority on Strategic and International Management
- Michael Porter - Foremost Authority on Strategy, Competition and Competitive Advantage; Creator of Shared Value Concept; Harvard Business School Professor
- Ratan Tata - Ratan Tata became the Chairman of the Tata Group in 1981 after serving as Chairman in charge of the Nelco division of the group.
- Ram Charan - World-Renowned Business Advisor, Execution Expert and Best-selling Author
- Marshall Goldsmith - Executive Educator, Coach, & Author
- S. (Kris) Gopalakrishnan - Co-chairman of Infosys Technologies, a global consulting and IT services company based in India
- Howard Gardner - Renowned Developmental & Cognitive Psychologist; Father of Multiple Intelligences Theory; Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Jim Collins - Author of "Good to Great," "Built to Last" and "How the Mighty Fall"
- Lynda Gratton - Human Resources Thought Leader
- Tom Peters - Speaker, Professional Agitator at Tom Peters Company, and Bestselling Author, "In Search of Excellence"
- Jack Welch - Former Chairman and CEO, General Electric & Author of New York Times Bestsellers, "Straight from the Gut" & "Winning"
- Eric Schmidt - Executive Chairman & Former CEO, Google
- Joseph Stiglitz - American Economist; Professor at Columbia University; Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences 2001
- Kjell Nordström & Jonas Ridderstråle - Amid the madness and hyperbole surrounding the new economy, Dr. Kjell A. Nordström is a guru of the new world of business.
- Vijay Govindarajan - Strategic Innovation Expert and World Renowned Professor
- Marcus Buckingham - Expert on Leadership & Management Practices
- Richard D’Aveni - Dartmouth Professor & Author
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter - Author & Harvard University Professor Who Specializes in Strategy, Innovation and Leadership for Change
- Clayton Christensen - Harvard Business School Professor
- Stephen Covey - Internationally Acclaimed Author, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
- Thomas Friedman - Three-Time Pulitzer Prize Winning Commentator, New York Times Columnist and Author of "The World Is Flat"
- David Ulrich - Human Resource & Leadership Expert
- Roger Martin - Premier’s Research Chair in Productivity and Competitiveness, Academic Director, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
- Henry Mintzberg - Internationally Renowned Academic and Author on Business and Management
- Daniel Goleman - Internationally Recognized Psychologist & New York Times Bestselling Author
- Chris Anderson - Former Editor-in-chief of Wired; Author and Founder, 3D Robotics
- Warren Bennis - Founding chairman of USC's Leadership Institute, consultant for Fortune 500 companies, former adviser to five U.S. presidents
- Robert Kaplan & David Norton - Robert S. Kaplan is the Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School, and Chairman of Professional Practice at Palladium Group, Inc. Kaplan joined the HBS faculty in 1984 after spending 16 years on the faculty of the Carnegie-Mellon University bu
- Jeff Immelt - Chairman and CEO at GE
- Don Tapscott - Senior Adviser, World Economic Forum; Author, "The Digital Economy"; Co-author, "Macrowikinomics" and "Wikinomics"
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering and Co-Director of the Research Centre for Risk Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University
- John Kotter - Leadership & Change Management Guru
- Niall Ferguson - British-American Historian; Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University; Author
- Charles Handy - Former Professor at the London Business School; Today, A Well-Respected Social Philosopher
- Rakesh Khurana - Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development at the Harvard Business School.
- Manfred Kets De Vries - The Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chaired Professor of Leadership Development Clinical Professor of Management and Leadership.
- Tammy Erickson - Executive Fellow, Organisational Behaviour at the London Business School; Award-winning Author and Expert on the Changing Workforce, Generations at Work, and Organizational Collaboration
- Costas Markides - Business & Strategy Expert
- Barbara Kellerman - Barbara Kellerman is the James MacGregor Burns Lecturer in Public Leadership at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
- Rob Goffee & Gareth Jones - Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones won the prestigious McKinsey Award for the best article in HBR, entitled, "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" also the title of their new book on leadership, to be published by Harvard Business School Press in 2006.
- Jimmy Wales - Co-founder of Wikipedia and Mobile Phone Carrier The People's Operator